Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Flexible Display Screens

Flexible displays are a new breakthrough in technology expected to be seen commercially within the next 1-2 years. The possibilities with a flexible computer or tv screen are endless. The digital folding newspapers seen in the movie Minority Report could be a reality in a few years. Right now the focus of this technology is on computers, small display monitors, and cellphones. Personally I would like to see it used for television.

Could you imagine climbing into a small chamber wallpapered with flexible display screens? Coupled with surround sound, watching a movie becomes as real as it can possibly get without actually living the events yourself. I couldn't really fathom watching a movie where I have a full 360 degree view of everything that is happening. Im not even sure how something like that would be filmed.

This technology could also be used in video games. Although it wouldnt create a true virtual reality game, it would be a pretty close substitute and would definitely be sweet.

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