Saturday, March 13, 2010

Hybrids may not be the way to go

A new company called Transonic Combustion in California is attempting to show the world that hybrid cars may not be the way of the future after all. Using new technology and a 100% gas fueled engine, the company has been able to achieve up to 64 miles per gallon, quite a bit more than the Toyota Prius' 48.

The technology behind Transonic Combustion's breakthrough is getting the gasoline into a supercritical state before combustion. This is done by applying pressure and heat to the gas before igniting it. This enhances the energy harnessed, thus requiring less gasoline to travel from Point A to Point B.

Although these new engines are not currently in any cars available for purchase, I am excited about this. I personally could never see my self driving a Prius. They are weak and slow...not to mention just plain ugly I think. Who knows, maybe soon we will be able to get 100 miles per gallon the way things are going.

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