Saturday, March 13, 2010

Sports Games Going Down the Tube?

I used to play video games a lot before I got to Ohio State, and still enjoy them when I have some free time. One genre of video games though that has become more and more disappointing each year is sports games. Granted, developers can only do so much before changing the rules of the game itself, but something needs to be done to innovate this genre.

Each franchise comes out with a yearly video game for its sport. The problem is, usually nothing has changed. Yeah the graphics are slightly better, the rosters are updated, and if you are lucky, maybe one or two new features. But other than that, the game stays the same. I don't know about you, but I don't think this is worth 60 bucks.

I think companies need to either start coming out with new features each year, lower the price significantly, or turn videogames into an every other year release style. I think the last idea would work the best. This way companies like EA Sports ( who makes a game each year for just about every sport you can imagine) can spend more developing time on each game.

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